How to set personal growth and development goals

How to validate skills and give badges and skills to employees

Skill and competency mapping and validation is a crucial aspect of workplace efficiency, and MuchSkills offers a robust process that strikes a balance between cost-effectiveness, user engagement, and data accuracy.

Our platform empowers employees to easily and engagingly add their diverse skills, competencies, and certifications. On average, MuchSkills helps in collecting 50-200 skills per employee, providing deep insights into your organization's competencies.

Additionally, MuchSkills offers managers and admins the capabilities to:

  • Assign specific skills to employees
  • Validate employees' skill levels
  • Award badges for various achievements and trainings

This guide outlines the general workings of our skill validation process and how you can use these features to validate and recognize skills and achievements.

The skills validation process comprises four key steps:

  1. Value and fun in skills mapping: We've designed an experience that's both enjoyable and beneficial for employees, making skills mapping a fun and engaging activity.
  2. Social transparency in skill addition: When employees add a skill and its level, they can see how they compare with their managers and colleagues. This encourages accurate skill listing and provides a clear self-assessment.
  3. Manager validation: Integrated with one-on-one meetings, this step involves collaborative skill validation by managers to ensure a positive and surprise-free experience for employees.
  4. MuchSkills built-in validation tool: Use our tool to assign skills and badges to employees.

A tutorial video below explains the setup process and usage.

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