Real-time skill gap analysis

Powerful competency gap analysis for your team

Identify skill gaps, upskilling and reskilling opportunities. Understand your team’s skills and abilities in a new way and identify opportunities for team growth and development.

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Real-time skill gap analysis
Powerful skill gap analysis visualization dashboard

Create lists with the organisation’s core skills

The overview you always wanted

Track the skills that matter most. For each department, role, or anything you like, set the skills you want to regularly analyse and monitor even as some employees develop new skills or build existing ones and others join and leave the organisation.

Easy to deploy and fun to use

Out-of-the-box setup with over 20,000 skills to choose from

A skill gap analysis project doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Simply invite team members to join your team on MuchSkills and let them map their skills in an efficient and engaging way. Get a complete overview of the team's skills and capabilities in a matter of minutes.

Out-of-the-box setup with over 20,000 skills to choose from

How to do a skill gap analysis

Insightful visualisations help you create actionable competency strategies

Beautiful visualisation helps you understand what skills you have and where you have skill gaps. With MuchSkills you can do the following skill gap analytics:

Number of employees per skill

Number of employees per skill

Evaluate if you have the right number of employees per skill and skill level. Will 5 experts be enough or should you upskill the 7 intermediate skilled and maybe recruit 1 person?

Skill level distribution

Skill level distribution

For each skill in the organisation, understand how many individuals rank themselves as Experts, Intermediates, and Beginners. Ensure you have the right competence to do great work.

Your entire organization's Job Focus and skills distribution

Discover the skills you don’t know about

MuchSkills skill mapping enables you to discover job focus, soft skills and technical skills you did not know about. What is your organisation's real Job Focus? What software skills matter?

Set and monitor master lists of skills

Set and monitor master lists of skills

Set up lists of core skills and monitor changes over time as people join & leave the organisation and the employees grow their skills.

Identify skill gaps

These gaps may hurt employee performance and your business. Make sure you have the competence to get the job done.

Strategize team member growth

Every person is unique. Identify individuals and teams with skill gaps and create smart upskilling and reskilling strategies. Help each person find a journey of growth.

Identify upskilling & recruitment opportunities

Identify team skill gaps and create upskilling & recruitment strategies based on what skills you need.

The overview you always wanted

Create lists with the organisation’s core skills

Track the skills that matter most. For each department, role, or anything you like, set the skills you want to analyse and constantly monitor as people join & leave the organisation and the employees grow their skills.

Department core skills

Create lists with the core skills for each department and freely add any type of skills including soft skills, technical skills, and custom skills.

Role core skills

Make it easy for employees to understand what skills are required for each role. List what soft skills engineers should have or technical skills for salespeople.

Requirement lists

To be able to do certain types of tasks or processes we may have a list of required skills such as machine operation skills, compliance certifications, and much more.

List skills of the future

What skills matter in 2025? Is it critical thinking and analysis, complex problem-solving, and self-management skills? Help your team understand what skills will be required for the future.

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How to Analyse the Skills Gaps in Your Organisation

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