Create an attractive and interactive organisation chart

MuchSkills is an organisational chart software and a skills management platform that helps you focus on what matters most – people.

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Org chart by department

The organisational breakdown structure overview you always wanted

All relations in a single view

See all connections between people within the organisation in a single view. Easily search for a specific individual and understand who they report to.

Set up your org chart with muchskills
MuchSkills Automated Organizational Chart

Get to know your colleagues and their superpowers better

A single tap to explore

Simply tap on any individual’s image to view their top skills and email. You can also go on to view their profile where you find additional information such as their skills, competencies and interests.

MuchSkills Skills profile
Every user has a beautiful profile to share

Let employees proudly share their superpowers. Each user has a unique MuchSkills profile that can be shared internally and also be made public. It includes their interests, skills, competencies, certifications and other information about themselves. 

Org chart by department
Department structure overview

View a colour-coded organisation chart

Whether you have a few or several departments, with a click you can view a colour-coded organisation chart that displays all departments and the reporting structure. You can also view everyone’s job titles easily. A quick organisation overview has never been so effortless.

find experts in your team
Search and filter

It’s easy to find who you are looking for. Use the search tool to find a specific individual or use the filters to quickly scan through specific departments.

Easy to deploy and manage

Deployment takes minutes and modifications seconds

Invite users via email, link, or system integration. It will take them a few minutes to create a beautiful profile. Once all users have populated their profiles, managers can quickly and easily make changes in the organisation chart.

Manage org chart team members

Visualise your organization’s skills & certifications like never before

Read more
skills lists
build skills-based teams
showcase my technical skills
filter skills in teams
analyze skills gaps
View the skills of team members
skills overview
skills expertise distribution
map org certifications
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Learn more about building autonomous, agile and high-performing teams

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build agile autonomous teams
Made with ❤️in Göteborg 🇸🇪 and with the support of our amazing colleagues in Ukraine 🇺🇦

© 2019 - 2023 | MuchSkills AB Org. Nr. : 559282-2521. MuchSkills® is a registered trademark