How to connect Jira and Tempo to MuchSkills

1. In Jira Settings click to Create API key

In Jira settings, click to create an API key

2. Add Name for the key, select the “Expires on” date and click “Create” button

Create an API key
😉  Important:  If possible, choose the maximum “Expires on” date so you don't have to worry about its renewal

3. Copy created API key

Copy created API Key

4. Open “Team Settings” in MuchSkills and scroll down and select “Integration” point in sidebar

Go to Team Settings in MuchSkills

5. Scroll down and select “Jira”

6. Add email who created API key in Jira- Paste copied Jira API key- Add Jira Domain of your organization-Click to Connect

7. Open Tempo in Jira

8. In Tempo in Settings open API Integration page

❗ Important thing that the user whose API key is used for integration has the following (View plans) perms in the Tempo settings, otherwise not all users and plans will come from the Tempo API

How to create roles?  ⬇️

9. Click to create New token

10. Add name for token, select Expire date and Full access radio button

11. Copy created API key

12. In MuchSkills paste in “Tempo API Token” field copied API key and click to Connect

😉  Important:  If you will add only Jira API key without Tempo API key - time and capacity for team will not display in your team

Done! 🙂

Benefits of Integration

⭐ When you create a new team you can select it from Jira

  • ⭐  Description will be also added from Jira
  • ⭐ Add skills and if your teammates already registered in Muchskills you can add them to your team and see their capacity for projects!

Important things

Important thing that the user whose API key is used for integration has the following (View plans) perms in the Tempo settings, otherwise not all users and plans will come from the Tempo API

We synchronize users by email - so if the user's email in MuchSkills does not match the user's email in Jira, it will not be synchronized

Also we automatically add a webhook to your organization in Jira in order to monitor the status of projects and synchronize users

Common errors

If you see such error:



  • In case if your API key is expired
  • Added invalid credentials for integration
  • User's whose token is being used has been removed from the Jira organization
  • Also, If not all chunks that are in Tempo are displayed, then check the roles permissions in Tempo