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Muchskills 4.2 - Validate skills, give badges and skills + improved utilization features

Muchskills 4.2 - Validate skills, give badges and skills + improved utilization features

MuchSkills users take great pride in their personal skills profiles and their journey of personal development. With this latest update, we are excited to offer both organizations and employees an opportunity to further amplify this positive energy.

Assign skills, badges and certifications

Organizations now have the capability to create and award skill badges to employees. These badges can be used to acknowledge training achievements, recognize outstanding accomplishments, and highlight any special skills or badges employees have earned.

Validate employee skills

We are also introducing a 'validated skills' feature that allows you to confirm essential skills within the organization. It enables managers, experts, or administrators to officially recognize and validate an employee’s skill, and their level of proficiency.

Click here to watch how it works

Advanced utilization planning in Team Builder

When assigning an individual to a project, you now have the flexibility of specifying their exact level of utilization in percentage terms, as well as set specific dates and times for this level of engagement. For instance, if you're assigning a DevOps engineer to a project, you can specify that they work at 75% capacity at the beginning of the project, have no involvement in the middle phase, and contribute at 22% towards the project’s end.

Learn more about Utilization

MuchSkills API - Send data to any system

Since its release, organizations have adopted the MuchSkills API as a popular solution for transmitting employee and skills data to various systems, including PowerBI and SalesForce. With this upgrade, we have streamlined the process of searching for employee profiles using enhanced filters. Additionally, we've introduced a new API call that enables the retrieval of Skill Analysis lists, encompassing both skills and certifications.

Go to API Documentation

Made with ❤️in Göteborg 🇸🇪 and with the support of our amazing colleagues in Ukraine 🇺🇦

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