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MuchSkills 3.0: better skill insights, skill descriptors, UX and more

MuchSkills 3.0: better skill insights, skill descriptors, UX and more

Everything new isn’t exciting and everything exciting isn’t new. BUT our latest release is both new and exciting. 

MuchSkills 3.0 is smarter and more insightful than 2.0, but as intuitive and fun. It was built after an incredible number of discussions with many of the world’s biggest consultancies, banks, environmental organizations and game developers. We have actively listened and found a way to take all that great feedback and deliver a unique product that still screams MuchSkills – a software for organisations that’s designed for people.

This comes after a ton of smaller releases such as the Custom Skills, Org Chart, Infinite Technical Skills, Personio Integrations and lots more were bucketed into 2.0 through the pandemic.

But enough, blah blah… Let’s get to it. 

Watch our 3.0 demo video below

1. Slice and dice skills data in whatever way you want

You’ve always been able to view skills data by skill density and level of interest across departments and locations. Well, now you will be able to go deeper, with bar charts that help you easily break down level of expertise and skill ranking distribution. 

Discover department or organisational skill gaps. And most importantly, find individuals who possess the skills for the job you are looking to get done.

2. Improved User Experience - It’s important to us

From a few changes in terminology such as TEAM > ORGANISATION to a more condensed, always available Toolbar for quick actions and search, to a simpler ‘tabbed’ layout, we have listened to feedback and made the discovery and exploration of skills and people more delightful. 

In summary, amazing insights are literally a click away. So, if you see a button, click it. 

3. Insights on every skill in your org

Just imagine being able to think of a skill you’re looking for and thinking: “I wonder who in my organisation possesses this skill?” Well, with MuchSkills 3.0, you can now do that by drilling into each skill and getting a skill level distribution that you can quickly filter among departments, location and more. 

See how people have ranked themselves in terms of expertise and what their expertise level is in an instant. 

4. Custom skills management has been levelled-up

After introducing Custom Skills earlier this year, we received requests to make this feature even more valuable. You wanted descriptors with each custom skill, and today, you have it. Not only that, admins and managers can decide if the skill should be made available to everyone or just specific departments in order to standardise the skills being measured in your org.

5. Recommended custom skills 

We understand closing your eyes and introspecting isn’t always enough to discover the skills your managers have set for you. So instead, we just display upfront the skills they would like you to add to your profile. We are sorry this took so long.

6. Toolbar realness

Our filters and labels have been scattered all over the place, which wasn’t very nice of us. We assumed people enjoyed an occasional scavenger hunt, but I suppose a very friendly user experience was what was needed. Hence an always consistent and available toolbar with search, solid filter and prominent call-to-action will be found on most pages.

7. People finder like Cerebro – but less creepy

Searching for people and how they are connected in an organisation has never been easier or this fun. Search for a name, see their connections, view their top skills and contact info all in a matter of seconds. 

8. Ok, so what’s next?

We are going to keep rolling out updates, tweaks and improvements in the coming weeks and months after this release. Below is a list of a few upcoming updates:

  • Skills & Gap Analysis - Create lists of skills that you want to keep a track of and analyse how they are distributed across departments and teams.
  • Advanced Team Builder - PROJECTS will soon be replaced with a smarter and better TEAM BUILDER that lets you build skills-based teams. Define the skills you need, and we’ll help you find the right people for the job at hand. 
  • Certifications - Soon you’ll be able to go beyond just Job Focus, Soft Skills, Technical Skills and Custom Skills and add Certifications to your profile.

We hope you enjoy these updates and other improvements. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like us to explore any other topics that may be valuable to your organization or team members. We are all ears.

Made with ❤️in Göteborg 🇸🇪 and with the support of our amazing colleagues in Ukraine 🇺🇦

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